Collaborative Law
Skilled Family Lawyer in Richmond, Virginia
Experienced Attorney Handling Your Divorce Through Collaboration
Divorce is often a taxing process, both emotionally and financially. However, relying on collaboration rather than litigation may help make this difficult process easier on all parties involved.
At the office of Carol A. N. Breit, Attorney at Law, in the appropriate case I recommend using the collaborative law process when working with clients to resolve divorce issues and related matters. Contact me today to discuss this possibility for your divorce.
Collaboration: Protecting You, Your Family and Your Assets
Collaborative law is a means of resolving divorce and related issues without litigation. Collaborative law creates a structured environment, much like mediation, which will allow you to reach an agreement with your future ex-spouse regarding the terms of your separation. Collaboration has many advantages, including:
- Control. When you rely on the traditional litigation system, you are putting essential decisions regarding your future into the hands of a judge who only receives a snapshot of your life. You know your children and your circumstances better than a judge; with collaboration, you have more control over the essential decisions.
- Cost. Collaboration can be less expensive than litigation. Litigation is an expensive battle. You and your future ex-spouse may retain different experts to handle your representation during litigation, including accountants and psychiatrists in addition to lawyers. These professionals become very expensive, very quickly. By relying on a single professional for each of these areas, collaboration can be less expensive.
- Time. Judges are busy. Collaboration does not rely on a judge’s calendar to set the pace of the process. Additionally, it does not require you to follow the traditional rules of litigation which can be time-consuming and inefficient. The divorce can proceed much more quickly through collaboration.
- Future relations. If you have children, it is very unlikely that you will cease to have any relationship with your future ex-spouse. You will have to continue to interact, addressing matters like child support, child custody and visitation. After fighting someone in a courtroom, future exchanges are likely to be more difficult than if you can resolve your differences in a civil and cordial manner.
Contact Me
If you would like to discuss collaborative law possibilities for your separation, contact me through e-mail or call me at 804-282-9226 today.